January 1 often brings with it all sorts of New Year resolutions – like exercising more, saving more, investing in property, renovating and so on.
If your New Year’s resolution has to do with money, perhaps I can help. Property investment, debt consolidation and new expenses such as school fees are some of the more common things that come up at this time of year, with many clients asking if there is a way to use their home and home loan to get ahead this year.
The good news is a Home Finance Assessment can help you determine just that. With a Home Finance Assessment, we look at your goals for the upcoming year, and identify ways to help you fund some of those dreams.
It might be as simple as refinancing your home loan to take advantage of changes to the home loan market, or maybe a simple debt consolidation plan will free up your cash flow in just the right way.
Even if you don’t have any financial plans for the coming year, now is the perfect time to review your home loan and check if it is still working for you. Your Home Finance Assessment can ensure you start out the New Year on the right foot…at least in a financial sense!
I look forward to speaking with you soon.